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Chill Requirements by Blueberry Varieties
Blueberries need Chill Requirements(CR), except for the evergreen blueberry variety. The reason is that each blueberry variety needs the low-temperature integration time required for blueberry’s buds to break the dormant.
*Temperature integration time below 7.2 °C(between 32 degrees F to 45 degrees F) required to wake up from dormancy.
(상록 블루베리 품종을 제외하고 블루베리에는 냉각 요건(CR)이 필요합니다. 그 이유는 블루베리 품종마다 블루베리의 새싹이 휴면상태를 깨는 데 필요한 저온 통합 시간이 필요하기 때문입니다.
*휴면 상태에서 깨어나려면 7.2°C(32°F ~ 45°F) 미만의 온도 적분 시간이 필요합니다.)
같이가치농원 블루베리나무 묘목 (듀크) 2년생 포트묘
북부하이부시 블루베리 Northern High Bush Blueberries
Northern high bush varieties need a large amount (usually 800-1,000) of chill hours to produce blueberries. These blueberry plants are that grow in zone 3 through zone 7.
(북부 하이부시 품종은 블루베리를 생산하기 위해 많은 양(보통 800-1,000)의 냉각 시간이 필요합니다. 이 블루베리 식물은 구역 3에서 구역 7까지 자랍니다.)
Adams / Ai22 / Angola / ArabellaBlue™ / Aron / Ashworth / Atlantic / Aurora / Baby Blues / Berkeley / Bluechip / Bluecrop / Bluegold / Bluehaven / Bluejay / Bluepoint / Blueray / Blue Ribbon / Bluerose / Bluetta / Bonifacy / Bonus / Bounty / Brigitta / Brigitty / Brooks / Burlington / Cabernet Splash / Cabot / Calypso / Canada Blue / Canada Blue x Early Blue / Cara’s Choice / Cargo / Carolineblue / Chandler / Chanticlear / Chatsworth / Clockwork / Collins / Concord / Coville / Crabbe4 / Croatan / Darrow / Deerberry / Denise / Dixi / Draper / Duke / Earliblue / Echota / Elizabeth / Elliott / Evelyn / E-170 / F2( V. corymbosum x V. uliginosum) / F-72(USDA) / Gem / Gila / Goldraba / Goldtraube 74 / Great Blue / Greta / Grover / Hannah’s Choice / Harding / Hardyblue / Harrison / Herbert / Huron / Ivanhoe / Jersey / Johnston / June / Katharine / Laniera / Last Call / Lateblue / Legacy(500~600) / Liberty / LunaBlue™ / Lynda Blue / Meader / MegasBlue / Mini Blues / Misiblue(M7) / Morrow / Muffin™ / Murphy / Nelson / New Bluelay / North Sedgewick / Novemberglow / Nui / NU59 / Olympia / Osorno / Pacific / Pacific blue / Patriot / Pemberton / PeachyBlue / Pender / Pink Champagne / Pioneer / Puru / Rancocas / Razz Blueberry / Reka / Rubel / Russell / R-86 (Improved Stanley) / Scammell / Shirley / Sierra / Sooy / Spartan / Stanley / Summer / Sunny Blue / Sunrise / Sunset blue / Sweetheart / Talisman / Taylor / Titanium® / Top Shelf / Toro / Valor® / Wareham / Washington / Weymouth / Wolcott / Zebulon / おおつぶ星 / あまつぶ星 / おにしBlue / はやばや星 / グレーティークロップ
남부하이부시 블루베리 Southern High Bush Blueberries
Southern highbush varieties are blueberry plants that grow from zones 6 through 10. They require much less chill hours some other varieties. From as little as 150 hours… as much as 800 hours.
(남부 하이부시 품종은 구역 6에서 10까지 자라는 블루베리 식물입니다. 다른 품종에 비해 냉각 시간이 훨씬 짧습니다. 적게는 150시간, 많게는 800시간.)
Abundance(300) / Arcadia / Arlen / Ascorba / AtlasBlue™ / Avanti / Avonblue(400~500) / Beaufort(700~800) / BiancaBlue™ / Biloxi / Bladen(600~700) / Blue Bayou / Bluecrisp(400~500) / BlueDrop / BlueRidge / Blue Suede™ / Bobolink™ / Bountiful Blue™ / Burst / Camellia(400~500) / CapeFear(500~600) / Carteret(600~700) / Celeste / Chickadee™ / Colibri / Colossus / Cooper / Corona / Craven(600~700) / Dazzle / Dixiblue / Dolores / Duplin / Dyana / Echo / Emerald(250) / Endura™ / Eureka / Eureka Sunrise / Eureka Sunset / Farthing(200↓) / First Blush / Flicker(200↓) / Flodablue(300) / Georgia Dawn / Georgiagem(300~400) / Goldtraube 74 / Gulfcoast(200~300) / Gupton(500~600) / Hitomi / Honey Creek(Blue Moon) / Indigocrisp™ / Initio / Island Blue / Jewel(200~300) / Johnblue / Jubilee(500) / JupiterBlue™ / Keecrisp™ / Kestrel(200↓) / Lenoir(600~700) / Lucla / Magnolia(500~600) / Magnus / Marimba / Masena / Meadowlark(200~300) / MegaBlue / Millennia(300) / Miss Alice Mae™ / Miss Jackie™ / Miss Lilly™ / Misty(250) / Newhanover(500~600) / Norman / OlympusBlue™ / O’Neal(400) / OPI / OPI Ridley1111 / Optimus / Ozarkblue(800) / Pacific Blue(JP) / Palmetto(400~500) / Paloma(Sensation) / Pamlico(600~700) / Patrecia / Pearl / PearlRiver(500~600) / Pinnacle / Primadonna(200↓) / Raven™ / Rebel(400~500) / Reveille(700~800) / Rocio / Sampson(700~800) / San Joaquin / SantaFe(300~400) / Sapphire / Scintilla(200~300) / Sebring / Sevilla / Sharpblue(200↓) / Snowchaser(200↓) / Southern Belle(400~500) / Southern jebablue / Southern Splender / Southmoon(400~500) / Splash / Springhigh(200↓) / Springwide / Star(400~500) / Summer Blue / Summit(800) / Sunshineblue(150) / Suziblue(400~500) / Sweetcrisp(200~300) / Twilight / ValentinaBlue™ / Ventura / Victoria™ / Vireo / Wannabee / Wayne / Windsor(300~400)
래빗아이 블루베리 Rabbit Eye Blueberries
The rabbiteye blueberries have chilling hour requirement from 350 to 700 hours. Rabbiteyes flower earlier but ripen later than southern varieties. The shelf life of harvested rabbiteye blueberries is outstanding and generally better than highbush blueberries.
(래빗아이 블루베리의 냉각 시간 요구 사항은 350~700시간입니다. Rabbiteyes는 남부 품종보다 일찍 꽃을 피우지만 늦게 익습니다. 수확된 래빗아이 블루베리의 유통기한은 탁월하며 일반적으로 하이부시 블루베리보다 좋습니다.)
Alapaha(400~500) / Aliceblue(300~400) / Austin / Baldwin(500~600) / Beckyblue(300~400) / BlackGiant / Bluebar / Bluebelle(400~500) / Blue Dawn™ / Bluegem(300~400) / BlueMagic / BluePearl / BlueShower / Bonita(300~400) / Brightwell(350~400) / Briteblue(500~600) / Callaway / Centra Blue / Centurion(500~600) / Chaucer(300~400) / Choice(500~600) / Clara / Climax(400~500) / Columbus(600~700) / Costal / Crewer / Delite / Desoto / Dolce Blue(500~600) / EarlyMay / Ethel / Festival / Florida Rose / Fukuberry(400) / Gardenblue / Gloria / Hagood / Homebell / Ira(700~800) / Maru(500~600) / Menditoo / Montgomery(500~600) / Myers / Nobilis / Ocean Blue(500~600) / Ocholockonee(600~700) / Ono / Onslow(500~600) / OrangeBar / OrangeBlue / OrangePearl / Overtime / Owen / Powderblue(550~650)/ Premier(500~600) / Prince / Prolific / Rahi(500~600) / Redbar / RedPearl / Robeson(500~600) / Satilla / Sapphire Blue™ / Savory / Sky Blue / Snowflake / Southland / Suwannee / Takahe / Takes The Cake™ / Tasty Blue™ / Tifblue(600~700) / Tifton31 / Titan(500~600) / T-100 / Usunoki / Velluto Blue / Vernon(500~600) / Walker / Whitu / Windy(300) / Woodard(300~400) / Yadkin(600~700)
Other Blueberries( half high bush, low bush… )
Half highbush and other lowbush blueberries, like northern highbush blueberries, usually require 800-1000 hours of low temperature demand.
(북부 하이부시 블루베리와 같은 하프 하이부시 블루베리와 기타 로우부시 블루베리는 일반적으로 저온 수요가 800~1000시간 필요합니다.)
Aino / Alvar / Arto / Augusta / Baby Blue / BerryBux® / BlackPearl(M4) / Blomidon / Bloodstone / Blue Ridge(Low bush) / Blue Sunset / Brunswick / Buckle® / Burgundy / Chignecto / Chippewa / Crispin / Crouching Bear / CrystalBlue / Cumberland / EverBlue / Friendship / Fundy / Glaze™ / Hope’s Landing / Hortiblue Petite / Jelly Bean® / Jonathan / Jorma / Leslie / Little Blue Wonder / Little Crisp / Little Giant / Midnight Cascade / Nativeblue / Nocturne / Northcountry / Northblue / Northland / Northsky / Ornablue / OzekiBlue(KaBluey) / Peach Sorbet® / Perpetua / Pink Breeze® / Pink Champagne / Pink Icing® / PinkLemonade / Pink Popcorn / Polaris / Polen 38 / Princess Jenny / Putte / Ruby carpet / Sapphire Cascade / Silver Dollar® / Southern Bluebelle™ / St.Cloud / SummerSunset / Superior / Tiny Top / TopHat / WellsDelight
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Chill Requirements by Blueberry Varieties - Clear Blueberry Varieties
Blueberries need Chill Requirements(CR), except for the evergreen blueberry variety. The reason is that each blueberry variety needs the low-temperature integration time required for blueberry’s buds to break the dormant. *Temperature integration time be
※ 블루베리에 관한 모든 것
Fertilizer Pesticide Fungicide for Blueberry of Coupang - Clear Blueberry Varieties
”블루베리 토양(피트모스,블루베리 전용상토 ,펄라이트, 바크,수피,왕겨,마사토)“ ”블루베리 농부자재(플라스틱화분,비닐포트,고무화분, 공구,농자재)” ”블루베리 비료 및 살충제&살균제&
Blueberry farming subsidiary material of Coupang - Clear Blueberry Varieties
”블루베리 토양(피트모스,블루베리 전용상토 ,펄라이트, 바크,수피,왕겨,마사토)“ ”블루베리 농부자재(플라스틱화분,비닐포트,고무화분, 공구,농자재)” ”블루베리 비료 및 살충제&살균제&
Blueberry Soil of Coupang PeatMoss 블루베리 잽에 필요한 토양 피트모스 블루베리전용토 펄라이트 스패
Blueberry Soil of Coupang PeatMoss 블루베리 잽에 필요한 토양 피트모스 블루베리전용토 펄라이트 스패그넘 블루베리용,토양개량용 pH3.3~4.0 블루베리 토양개량용 피트모스 구매하기 산성토양 화이트피
Clear Blueberry Varieties
development history, characteristics of blueberry, Northern Highbush , Southern Highbush , Rabbit Eye , Lowbush Blueberry, etc.
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."
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