블루베리에 관한 모든 것

엔듀라(Endura™) 본문

남부하이부시(Southern highbush)


블루베리 그린썸 2024. 7. 4. 07:27



남부하이부시 블루베리(Southern Highbush Blueberry)




엔두라는 낙엽계와 상록계 모두에서 우수한 성능을 발휘하는 후기 성숙 품종이다. 플로리다 창구에는 너무 늦었기 때문에 플로리다에는 추천하지 않습니다.

(Endura is a late maturing cultivar that performs well under both deciduous and evergreen systems. Not recommended for Florida as it is too late for the Florida window.)


Cultivar name: Endura (selection code FL06-377)​

Recommended for Florida: no, too late for the Florida market window

FL region best adapted to: none

Production system​: deciduous or evergreen

Hydrogen cyanamide:​ performs well with or without hydrogen cyanamide

Machine Harvestability: no data yet

Per plant yields (Density 1,452-1,742 plants/acre):​

o North Central FL (2018-2020): 1.7 – 12.1 lbs/plant, average 6.3 lbs/plant (late season)

o Central FL (2013-2020): 1.1 – 10.3 lbs/plant, average 5.2 lbs/plant

o South Central FL (2019): 1.7 lbs/plant

Known disease susceptibility: may have some susceptibility to Phytophthora and rust

Known insect damage susceptibility: none observed to date

Fruit quality data:

o Fruit firmness: 210 – 288 g/mm, average 250 g/mm, higher than Emerald

o Berry Weight: 2.4 – 3.0 grams, average 2.6 grams, similar to Emerald

o Berry Diameter: 17.9 –20.2 mm, average 19.1 mm, similar to Emerald

o Brix: 8.7 – 11.9, average 10.4, similar to Chickadee

o Brix/Acid Ratio: 10.7 – 45.8, average 19.2, similar to Arcadia

o Fruit scar: medium

o Wax/bloom: medium – high.

o Fruit defects: none observed

o Flavor Score: 19.3 – reference Emerald (19.9)

o Aroma: none

Cultivars with overlapping timing of flowering:​ Arcadia, Avanti, Optimus, Sentinel

Other information: Produces large, firm berries that have an excellent, persistent blue color. Fruit can be tart very early in the season and when not fully ripe. Can be later than other evergreen cultivars in south-central Florida, with a very long harvest season.

License availability: For a list of current nursery licensees in the USA

For licensing availability contact Florida Foundation Seed Producers (FFSP):


# 엔듀라(Endura™)에 대한 사진이나 개발이력.. 기타 품종정보가 있으시면..

댓글로 달아주세요.. 잘못된 정보도 정정댓글 바랍니다.

여러분의 정보력이 블루베리연구모임 카페의 정보력 됩니다.



※블루베리의 재배에 있어서는, 해당품종의 설명은 실제로 재배 지역의 차이와 재배자의 환경을 고려한 후에 특징을 비롯한 정보의 수정이 반드시 필요하다고 봅니다.그렇기 때문에.. 위의 정보가 모든사람에게 적용되는 일률적인 정보는 아니며.각자 참고만 하시고 그에대한 해결책과 재배환경은 각자 해결해야 할 몫이라고 생각합니다.^^


이미지 썸네일 삭제
Clear Blueberry Varieties

development history, characteristics of blueberry, Northern Highbush , Southern Highbush , Rabbit Eye , Lowbush Blueberry, etc.





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